Sunday, January 18, 2009


Ok i want to touch on the subject of "oreos" no not the cookie even though they taste damn good lol, but the subject of some black people acting what is considered to be white and acting what some people consider to be black. I love watching videos on youtube and i came across one from this guy who i think has very strong beliefs but i don't agree with the majority of them.
According to XTXTER black people are sellouts if they talk white and embrace the "European" culture because it's not natural and your not embracing black culture. I totally disagree he even goes on to say that talking white which i suppose he's refering to speaking proper english wont's get you farther in life, I think he needs a WAKE UP call! That man must be about 22 years old and he hasn't figured out the fact that when you go on a job interview people don't want to hire some one speaking slang they would probably hire the person that's "acting white". I get the you act white comment often but how the hell can you act a color!!? Mmm maybe next i"ll act orange. I get kind of annoyed when people make comments like those because for me at least the way i act is just who i am, and it's been influenced by my family, friends, and they way i think i should carry my self. What is acting black, is it using slang, using the n-word, not doing well in school? WTF is it because if that's what people consider acting black then they need to realize that isn't a positive thing. I found a youtube post about a girl who has the same issue being labeled an oreo and i think she makes very good points in her video so check it out.


  1. I've never been labeled Oreo though I speak properly, am a Black Goth, listened more to Rock music, and went to a prominently black school. And I'm from the South of all places! XD I'm currently at an HBCU and you wouldn't believe how many black people you come across as "acting white". I was so excited when I went from having 2 best friends who shared my interests to having 40 and them being black. It's interesting topic because one of my teachers asked us what is acting black. Some people said somethings but what she said I thought was interesting. She said well according to the way alot of you all speak and how you write I think you were all white. XD Seriously when did and who put that nonsense of "acting white" and "Acting black" in our heads?

  2. That's really interested that your teacher would ask you that. I think it's really a topic that needs to be addressed in the media more often and taken seriously. Saying a black person "acts white" only limits what black people are capable of, and what's worse is when it comes from a black person. It's like they don't realize they just insulted themselves.
