Saturday, January 10, 2009

Interracial Dating In My Somewhat Small Town

So i've only dated about about four guys allof them have been outside of my race (i'm black obviously considering what my blog is called) my first boyfriend was Puerto Rican and my most recent one who i broke up with last week was white. I feel like sometimes people have misconceptions about why people date outside of their race and it's tough being in High School and going out on a date with your boyfriend and having black guys say i'm a sellout or i need to stick to my own race. Who i decide to date has nothing to do with race it involves my attraction to the person and their personality and honestly i'm predominately attracted to White males. I think black women have a harder time from people for dating outside of their race than black men do. You see black men with women all the time but when your a black women dating a white man i feel you get more stares and more unnecessary comments hurled at you. This is a link to a video by a very ignorant man, and lol sorry he sounds so high

1 comment:

  1. Let's see here you're a year younger than me. We both are great students. I graduated in the top 5% of my class and got my AA in high school as well. I thought you said you were from a small town? NYC isn't small! I'm from a small town in Rural Florida so NYC is the big city to me. WE both like Kanye West and Fallout boy. I think I like you. If you need any advice from someone whose surviving her first year in college hit me up. As for you being prodminatley attracted to white guys that's cool more brothers for me less competition. I don't need some young girl getting in my way. Don't tell my boyfriend that. ;) LOL! For real though I'm cool with IR dating if it's for the right reasons. Heck I dated a Mexican and an Egyptian. Well almost not really. XD White guys don't do it for me personally. Also how's your last year in high school doing if this is your last year. I remember mine was lots of fun. Well I'll talk to you later bye Kacy.
